Tahu baksoo (Tofu Meatballs)

Tofu Meatballs is a typical snack of Central Java. In Semarang Tofu Meatball / Baxo Tofu is made whole with a rectangular shape. But this time to make it easier to fill out, we make a triangle shape aja yuk ...

Tofu Meatball Recipe Ingredients:

* Know pong fry (5 × 5 cm) 30 pieces, cut diagonally
* 500 grams of chicken meat
* 250 grams of shrimp, cleaned from the skin, head and feces
* 7 cloves garlic, mashed
* 6 tablespoons sago farmers
* 4 egg white grains
* 100 grams of ice cubes
* 2 teaspoons salt
* 4 leek stalks, sliced 1 / 2 cm
* 30 pieces of green chilli pepper

How to make Tofu Meatballs:

1. Mix chicken, shrimp, garlic, sago farmers, egg whites, salt and ice cubes. Puree in food processor until smooth.
2. Add the leeks, puree again shortly.
3. Put the mixture in the hole know pong until full.
4. Steamed Tofu Meatball until cooked for about 30 minutes. Lift.
5. Serve with chili sauce.
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Tahu baksoo (Tofu Meatballs)