Sumatra barbeque
* 1 kg of chicken meat
* 1 coconut, coconut milk is made
* Plugs Satay
Seasonings - Seasonings:
* 15 grains of red pepper
* 6 seed onion
* 1 teaspoon cumin
* 3 grains of sweet cumin
* 1 piece galangal
* 4 cloves garlic
* 6 eggs hazelnut
* 2 kaffir lime leaves
* 1 tablespoon ketumbargaram, ginger and turmeric leaf
How to cook:
* Cut the beef into a large - large
* All seasoning crushed fine, except for kaffir lime leaves and turmeric leaves
* Put it in the pot with coconut milk, as well as meat and salt, continue cooking until soft da waters dry.
* Then tusuklah with a skewer and burn them on medium heat
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